Clémentine Mélois
Born in 1980 in La Ferté-Milon, France.
Lives and works in Nantes, France.
A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris and a member of the Oulipo, Clémentine Mélois is a writer and visual artist. Specialized in the printed document as well as the production of multiples, in particular the artist’s book, her work mixes pop culture and classical culture, in a game on the codes of photography and publishing. Her images and objects are conceived as games around literature, everyday life and art history. She taught from 2008 to 2018 at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Nîmes.
In 2014, she published at the Éditions Grasset Cent Titres, a collection of one hundred covers of misappropriated books, playing on the traditional codes of publishing. Moby Dick becomes Maudit Bic, Iphigénie becomes Wifi-Génie or The foam of days becomes Vegetable of days. Since 2015, a selection of her misappropriated books has been on permanent display at the Maison de la Poésie in Paris.
Between 2015 and 2018, she was part of the team of the show Des Papous dans la tête on France Culture and contributed to the magazines Le Tigre, Le Courage, Mon Lapin Quotidien and the online magazine Vents contraire.
In 2018, she presented her first solo exhibition De deux choses l'une at the Galerie Lara Vincy. The second, AN AMATEUR CABINET in 2020, takes over the installation presented at the Mucem in Marseille the previous year.