Joël Hubaut
Born in 1947 in Amiens, France.
Lives and works in Réville, France.
Joël Hubaut undertakes a proliferating approach, producing installations, videos, drawings, paintings and various objects as well as performances or epidemik readings of sound poetry.
He began his work in the late 1960s, inspired by the writings of W. Burroughs, the music of Erik Satie, Actionnisme, Pop Art and the theoretical reflections of the BMPT group. Assembling and remixing all these sources of inspiration, he directs his activity towards a practice that he qualifies as Peste-Moderne, hybrid and monstrous assembly of heterogeneous supports. From 1970, he created his first signs of epidemik writing that invaded all media: objects-human bodies-vehicles-sites- etc... developing a multidisciplinary and intermedial rhizomic contaminant process” in the form of installations and maneuvers.
Difficult to classify, Joël Hubaut is an artist who places the epidemic and contamination (premonitory act) at the center of a reflection on art and society, and builds exchanges and transmedia interactions. The offbeat energy and practice of mixing and the absurd that it extends to any kind of unexpected manifestation in the art system or elsewhere testify to its singularity and its recourse to parody and derision can then take on a truly tragic dimension. He has already realized numerous installations and performances in Europe, USA, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Mexico, Japan and China.
Seven solo exhibitions of Joël Hubaut took place at the gallery Lara Vincy: Journal computer épidémik in 1980, Basse Normandie/Haute Égypte in 1982, Le carré de pamp'lune - the first asteroids in 1984, A new generation in 1985, Machination - Ulysse, great percolator of the lark mirror in 1991, La QUAD-Rature (or my doctor, my angel and my graphologue) in 2005 and Pest Modern Party in 2018.