
Jean-Luc André


Born in 1955 in Caen, France.
Lives and works in Paris.

Jean-Luc André is an artist and theoretician, a member of the experimental music group Déficit des Années Antérieures (DDAA), he was also a professor at the National School of Fine Arts in Bourges. His work covers a very diversified field of practices: drawing, installation, video, sound, and also writing. He published "Le bord du réel" in 2000, a theoretical work on the status of the image in contemporary art practices.

The creation of BAADERBANK, Banque Aléatoire DE Récit, synthesizes these different practices into a general organization of appropriation and pirating of reality.
The world is a vast reserve of potential narratives, Baaderbank aims to materialize this potential. The materiologist François Dagognet writes in Le trouble: "a direct, tranquil perception deceives us; indeed, it takes a test, a shock, for what was distant or lurking to arise..."

It is to the realization of such tests or shocks that the methodology of the random bank of narrative is attached. Collision, compression, semantic expansion are Baaderbank's tools for revealing hidden narratives. The random narrative bank proceeds by taking fragments from different realms of reality. This fragment, instituted as an action program (scenario) by falling back on another sector of reality, induces a symbolic relationship of authority, a symbolic order on the basis of an incident.

Six solo exhibitions by Jean-Luc André took place at the Lara Vincy Gallery: Speed color velocity in 1990, Smash fossilized from a distant chaos in 1992, Drawings and Incidents of the Random Story Bank in 2001, DONG! DONG! (21st century traceability) Transgenic paintings, carbon drawings and wave train induction in 2007, National Agency for Evasive Storytelling in 2011 and News of the Vague World in 2015.


Collisionneur de Hurulhurlu, 2012, Jean-Luc André

Jean-Luc André

Collisionneur de Hur..., 2012



Débordements de Sartre aux Berges de la Mare au Sel du Champ, 2014, Jean-Luc André

Jean-Luc André

Débordements de Sart..., 2014



Agence nationale de récit évasif, 2011, Jean-Luc André

Jean-Luc André

Agence nationale de ..., 2011


32 pagesFormat : 24 x 17 cmCover: soft, stapledLanguage: FrenchPublished: March 2011Publisher: éditi..

Création du Monde, 2015, Jean-Luc André

Jean-Luc André

Création du Monde, 2015

Prix sur demande


Ce qui peut être montré ne peut pas être dit, 2010, Jean-Luc André

Jean-Luc André

Ce qui peut être mon..., 2010



Déphasées de Sartre dans un embobinage à la Deleuze, 2014, Jean-Luc André

Jean-Luc André

Déphasées de Sartre ..., 2014



Au-delà du spectacle, 2001, Jean-Luc André

Jean-Luc André

Au-delà du spectacle, 2001


Au-delà du spectacle, série "Spiroutisation"..