
Le Grand Livre de Jean-Luc Parant , 2000

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Born in 1944 in Tunis, Jean-Luc Parant, painter and sculptor, is the author of a vast and quite singular work, still badly perceived in its diversity and its continuity. From the first drawings of 1960 to the "libraries" and recent "exploded balls", its consistency has not escaped writers such as Michel Butor, Henri Meshonnic, Pierre Bettencourt, Bernard Lamarche-Vadel, Jean-Marie Le Sidaner, Georges Perec, Jean Dubuffet, Michel Vachey, Éric Meunié... This retrospective tour of the work, accompanied by texts by and about Jean-Luc Parant, gives the dimension of this atypical artist, one of the most important of his generation.

Essentially known for his installations of "balls" in terracotta, paper, sealing wax - so many eyes that devour space and the world - and for his reliefs where imaginary bestiaries and writings of all kinds mingle, Like Dubuffet and Michaux, Jean-Luc Parant has always written. Among his many works, we can mention, published by Éditions de la Différence: Le Upheaval (1990), Les Animaux, les enfants, les femmes, les hommes (1991), Les Machines à voir (1993), Ten songs to turn in round (1994) and Self-portrait (1999).

304 color pages
Size: 27 x 21 cm
Cover: soft with flaps
Language: french
Publication: 2000
Publisher: Éditions de La Différence
ISBN: 978-2-7291-1314-8